The world’s leading Spanish to English and English to Spanish bilingual dictionary.
The perfect resource for all advanced students of the Spanish and English languages.
With more than 310,000 words, meanings and phrases and 442,000 translations.
First published in 1971, the Collins Spanish Dictionary pioneered a new approach to bilingual dictionary publishing which continues to inspire millions of language users today. With wide-ranging coverage of contemporary Spanish and English, a wealth of examples and idioms, and a clear layout, this remains the ideal dictionary for advanced learners and professionals using Spanish.
- Up-to-date, with thousands of the latest words from a wide range of areas
- Thousands of examples and idioms, all based on evidence from a multimillion-word corpus of real Spanish and English
- Extensive notes on language, grammar and culture, to help the user with typical translation issues
- Coverage of European and Latin American Spanish
- Includes the acclaimed Language in Use supplement to help you communicate in natural, idiomatic Spanish