Today’s popular road to understanding end-time prophecy is littered with myths, misconceptions, misinterpretations, and outright fiction. Somewhere Jesus is Waiting utilizes Federal Evidence Rule 902 and a plethora of scriptural analysis to unravel the evangelical mysteries of prophecy by establishing a historical timeline from Abraham to the reigning end of the “time of the Gentiles.” While revealing an understandable identification of the Abomination of Desolation, Beast and its Mark, False Prophet, Tribulation, Millennium, and God’s Two Witnesses, a unique salvation message emerges directly from the cross of Calvary. Somewhere, Jesus is waiting. Why? Will the final great awakening be triggered by the burgeoning worldwide conflict between Communism, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism? Do history, archeology, and science coalesce with the Scripture to reveal the Rapture as the last exodus? Daniel 12:11–12 prophetically reveals the role of the Messiah, Jerusalem, Islam, and Muhammad’s role in the end-times. Today’s fulfillment of these verses intrinsically ties Islam to prophecy, signals the end of the “time of the Gentiles,” and ushers in the “last generation.” The author is a retired businessman whose Christian service included director of the singles ministry in a 5,500-member church, Sunday school superintendent, Sunday school teacher, and director of youth ministry.