Many students learn content like math and history in school, but not how to learn such content. Consequently, many students use weak learning strategies and struggle academically.
SOAR to College Success and Beyond teaches students how to learn any type of content effectively and helps them thrive in school and in the real world. At the book's core is a unique learning method called SOAR that Dr. Kiewra developed, scientifically validated, and has disseminated through his writings and teachings to thousands of students. When students Select, Organize, Associate, and Regulate, they SOAR to success.
The text introduces students to SOAR, offers a chapter about each SOAR component, and shows how to apply SOAR across academic subjects and outside academia. In addition, it covers vital SOAR-related topics such as memory, mindset, motivation, and life and time management.
The book is written in an engaging and enjoyable way, features memorable stories and powerful examples, and includes chapter objectives, focus questions with answers, and activities that guide the student learning experience.
SOAR to College Success and Beyond is ideal for freshman orientation courses, academic success courses, and any student seeks to become an expert learner.