The new book by Axel Thallemer and Martin Danzer presents in over twenty chapters extracts of research and project work from the last five years. In the industrial design/scionic field of study at the University of Art and Design Linz (Austria), specific solutions for industry and the respective basic patents are developed in collaboration with businesses. The designers borrow from nature, create virtual models and generate, based on fundamental research, optimisation measures for the purpose of simplified processes. The spectrum ranges from questions of energy efficiency to innovative robotic arms inspired by grasshopper legs or lobster claws. In Linz, therefore, design is not understood as styling or as a discipline for the beautification of objects: as a combination of the terms 'bionics' and 'science', 'scionic' stands for an approach that is inspired by nature's paragons and followed by scientific policy. The films, computer animations and 3-D images linked via the QR codes in the book can be viewed on smartphones and tablets as well as on computers. The device specific display uses Responsive Web Design.