An intriguing portrait of persistent plants with deep roots that have survived eons on earth, featuring exquisite watercolors and numerous color photos.
Plants are tenacious organisms. Their green ancestors were among the earliest living beings on Earth, while clubmosses and ferns that arose 400 million years ago still thrive in the moist understory of temperate and tropical forests. Plants like these are considered living fossils, as they have remained unchanged for hundreds of millions of years or are the sole survivors of their once diverse lineage. In Rooted in Time, paleobotanist Carole T. Gee shares stories of the remarkable plants that first appeared eons ago, yet still green the planet today.
This romp through the plant kingdom begins 3,500 million years ago, with the first photosynthesizing organisms on earththe cyanobacteria. It then leads us down fascinating evolutionary paths to the ancient cousins of the evergreen wreaths on your own front doo