The unlikely and sometimes harrowing journey of an iconic evangelist, known to millions as simply Reverend Ike, will draw you into his remarkable story of rising from extreme poverty and leading millions of poor Blacks to unprecedented financial success, independence, and joyful living by understanding the profound Biblical promises of prosperity.
Lovingly known by his ardent and enthusiastic followers as Reverend Ike, Frederick J. Eikerenkoetter II touched millions of lives. He presented people with a new way to think about themselves, about life, and about all the riches of health, happiness, joy, love, success, prosperity, and money that could be theirs—if they only understood the principles that he had come to understand. These were the very transformational principles he taught to the hungry hearts, souls, and minds who showed up at his church meetings, workshops, and radio or TV broadcasts each week.
Ike’s early life was full of family drama, op