Relearning to Teach challenges the seemingly complex teaching profession and the various initiatives, strategies and ideas that are regularly suggested. It explores how teaching methods are used without a clear understanding of why, which leads to ineffective teaching that is believed to work – but ultimately doesn’t. Cutting through the clutter of conventional teacher guidance, David Fawcett tackles myths head on, sharing the latest research and explaining how this will look translated to a classroom environment.
The book breaks down the complexities of teaching into manageable chunks and offers practical advice on how to take charge of your own CPD to become a more reflective and successful practitioner. Focusing on what’s most relevant and helpful to build effective teaching practice and self-improvement it raises key questions such as:
• Is lesson planning just a box ticking exercise?
• Why do students remember in lessons, but forget in tests?
• Is asking more questions beneficial?
• Is feedback actually worth it?
Relearning to Teach is a must read for all teachers looking to pinpoint the why of teaching methods and to gain an understanding of the reasons why various pedagogies are used within the classroom.