Australia’s nature is exceptional, wonderful and important. But much has been lost, and the ongoingexistence of many species now hangs by a thread. Against a relentless tide of threats to our biodiversity,many Australians, and government and non-government agencies, have devoted themselves to thechallenge of conserving and recovering plant and animal species that now need our help to survive. Thisdedication has been rewarded with some outstanding and inspiring successes: of extinctions averted, ofpopulations increasing, of communities actively involved in recovery efforts.
Recovering Australian Threatened Species showcases successful conservation stories and identifiesapproaches and implementation methods that have been most effective in recovering threatened species.These diverse accounts – dealing with threatened plants, invertebrates, fish, reptiles, birds and mammals– show that the conservation of threatened species is achievable: that it can be done and should be done.They collectively serve to inform, guide and inspire other conservation efforts. This is a book of hope andinspiration. It shows that with dedication, knowledge and support, we can retain and restore our marvellous natural heritage, and gift to our descendants a world that is as diverse, healthy and beautiful as that which we have inherited.
- Foreword written by Gregory Andrews, Australia’s first Threatened Species Commissioner.
- Features inspiring Australian conservation success stories spanning a wide range of threatened species and habitats, demonstrating that recovery of threatened species is both achievable and worthwhile.
- Includes perspectives from expert conservation practitioners and draws lessons about what elements are important in achieving conservation successes.