Real Analysis and Applications starts with a streamlined, but complete approach to real analysis. It finishes with a wide variety of applications in Fourier series and the calculus of variations, including minimal surfaces, physics, economics, Riemannian geometry, and general relativity. The basic theory includes all the standard topics: limits of sequences, topology, compactness, the Cantor set and fractals, calculus with the Riemann integral, a chapter on the Lebesgue theory, sequences of functions, infinite series, and the exponential and Gamma functions. The applications conclude with a computation of the relativistic precession of Mercury's orbit, which Einstein called convincing proof of the correctness of the theory [of General Relativity].The text not only provides clear, logical proofs, but also shows the student how to come up with them. The excellent exercises come with select solutions in the back. Here is a text which makes it possible to do the full theory and significant