
Fancy setting sail with Blackbeard the pirate, or would you prefer joining Captain Cook on a voyage? Do you want gold, or glory? Be careful - you could end up eating walrus, and going to bed early!
Pirate v. Explorer is part of the Reading Planet range of books for Stars (Lime) to Supernova (Red+) band. Children aged 7-11 will love reading the exciting collection of fiction and non-fiction written by top authors. Inspire them to keep reading through gripping stories and fascinating information books packed with rich language and stunning artwork. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and questions to support reading at home and develop comprehension skills.
Reading age: 7-8 years

Reading Planet KS2 - Pirate vs Explorer - Level 1: Stars/Lime band

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Paperback / softback by Rob Alcraft , Scott Brown

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Short Description:

Fancy setting sail with Blackbeard the pirate, or would you prefer joining Captain Cook on a voyage? Do you want... Read more

    Publisher: Rising Stars UK Ltd
    Publication Date: 28/06/2019
    ISBN13: 9781510453449, 978-1510453449
    ISBN10: 151045344X

    Number of Pages: 32

    Children & Teen , Children's Non-Fiction


    Fancy setting sail with Blackbeard the pirate, or would you prefer joining Captain Cook on a voyage? Do you want gold, or glory? Be careful - you could end up eating walrus, and going to bed early!
    Pirate v. Explorer is part of the Reading Planet range of books for Stars (Lime) to Supernova (Red+) band. Children aged 7-11 will love reading the exciting collection of fiction and non-fiction written by top authors. Inspire them to keep reading through gripping stories and fascinating information books packed with rich language and stunning artwork. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and questions to support reading at home and develop comprehension skills.
    Reading age: 7-8 years

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