The focus of this book is centered on the participation of children in countries of the South. In this sense, it will review the possibilities of children's participation, as well as their forms of participation in different contexts of daily life. There has been a tendency to underestimate children’s role as active constructors of their surrounding social space, as well as of the internalized interpretations of the way social life operates. Today it is necessary to recognize that children are agents actively involved in the construction of their own lives and the life of the societies they live in; and in this sense, it is important to consider and re-signify the participation of boys and girls as a fundamental pillar in the process of building societies in the 21st century. The book contains chapters that re-significate children’s participation in different countries from South America and South Africa, in relation with different topics: well-being, methods, citizenship, poverty, education, rurality, ethics and human rights.