Are you forever looking for that perfect work-life balance? Are you on the brink of burnout? Do you feel overwhelmed in a disconnected world? Then spiritual intelligence might just be the answer!
Author and coach Annie Ridout shares her own journey of raising her spiritual intelligence through daily practices and rituals, and how it transformed all aspects of her life. Through practical lessons and exercises Annie teaches you how to
build your dream life in seven days create your own daily spiritual intelligence routine design your shrine lean into your intuition use tarot and oracle cards, crystals, sage and incense find the right mantras, affirmations and magic spells for you
With the help of spiritual intelligence Annie went from scrimping and saving each month, to creating a six-figure business from scratch all while working flexible hours and having an abundance of energy for her family, friends and finally herself.
Spiritual Intelligence is used by thought-leaders and creatives such as Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra, Brené Brown, Steve Jobs and Elizabeth Gilbert, and now Raise Your SQ will help YOU create the harmony you have been seeking, unlock your true potential and find magic in the everyday.