From the perspective of art educators, museumeducation is shifting to a new paradigm, which thiscollection showcases and marks as thresholdmoments of change underway internationally. The goal in drawing together international perspectivesis to facilitate deeper thinking, making and doingpractices central to museum engagement acrossglobal, local and glocal contexts. Museums ascultural brokers facilitate public pedagogies, andthe dispositions and practices offered in 33chapters from 19 countries articulate how and whycollections enact responsibility in public exchange,leading cultural discourses of empowerment innew ways. Organized into five sections, a widerange of topics and arts-based modes of inquiryimagine new possibilities concerning theory-practice, sustainability of educational partnershipsand communities of practice with, in and throughartwork scholarship. Chapters diverse in issues,art forms and museum orientations are well-situated within museum studies, enlargingdiscussions