PROLOG is a voluntary, strictly confidential, personal continuing education resource that is designed to be stimulating and enjoyable. By participating in PROLOG, obstetrician–gynecologists will be able to do the following:• Review and update clinical knowledge• Recognize areas of knowledge and practice in which they excel, be stimulated to explore other areas of the specialty, and identify areas requiring further study• Plan continuing education activities in light of identified strengths and deficiencies• Compare and relate present knowledge and skills with those of other participants• Obtain continuing medical education credit, if desired• Have complete personal control of the setting and of the pace of the experience.
The obstetrician–gynecologist who completes Gynecologic Oncology and Critical Care, Eighth Edition, will be able to• identify epidemiologic factors that contribute to the risks of various malignancies and determine appropriate screening tests.• analyze the pathophysiology and evaluate the histopathology of various malignancies.• associate symptoms with early onset of specific malignancies, determine appropriate diagnostic tests, and select diagnosis.•