This fully revised and up-dated Second Edition of the highly successful
Process Pump Selection eases the daunting task that faces a process industries' engineer employed in the process industries and responsible for the specification, selection, and purchase of process equipment. This volume provides essential guidelines, based on the operational experience of large numbers of plumbing installations over many years on a diverse range of duties and process plants.
Process Pump Selection: A Systems Approach will be an invaluable source of information for engineers and others working for user organizations in the process and service sector industries. It will not only be of great assistance to engineers faced with the specification, selection, and procurement of pumps, but will also provide pump manufacturers with a great insight into the problems facing pump users and plant designers.
- Pump specification and selection
- Positive displacement pumps: reciprocating metering
- Positive displacement pumps: reciprocating special purpose
- Positive displacement pumps: rotary
- Centrifugal pumps
- Centrifugal pumps: special purpose and multistage
- Common points
- Sealing considerations
- Pump and system combined
- Appendices
- Index