Now early childhood professionals have their own guide to the popular Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR) model the research-proven, family-centered approach used in schools nationwide to resolve challenging behaviors. Developed by top behavior experts, this practical, reader-friendly guidebook shows you how to improve the social-emotional development and prevent challenging behaviors of young children in preschool settings.
A highly effective approach drawn from the research and principles of applied behavior analysis and positive behavior support,
Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children will help you
- resolve persistent challenging behaviors
- set individualised goals for children
- conduct family-centered assessment and intervention
- work effectively with diverse families
The CD-ROM includes planning forms and worksheets tailored for early childhood programs, including a Goal Sheet, Daily Log, Behavior Rating Scale, Intervention Menu, and Team Implementation Guide. And four detailed case examples walk you through the PTR-YC steps and implementation. Ideal for a wide range of early childhood settings including preschools, Head Start, and child care programs this practical guide will help you resolve even the toughest behavior challenges in young children.