This revision guide has been written to address the content of Units A2 1 and A2 2 of the Physics specification for CCEA. It is designed to support the textbook, Physics for CCEA A2 Level 2nd Edition, by providing students with a consistent approach to the subject throughout the course and as they prepare for their examinations.
The chapters follow the outline of the CCEA specification, providing a summary of the key learning points, exercises and examination-style questions, with answers included. The book has been subject to a quality assurance check by an independent Physics expert.
Unit 4 (A2 1): Deformation of Solids, Thermal Physics, Circular Motion, Oscillations and Atomic and Nuclear Physics –
4.1 Deformation of Solids
4.2 Thermal Physics
4.3 Uniform Circular Motion
4.4 Simple Harmonic Motion
4.5 The Nucleus
4.6 Nuclear Decay
4.7 Nuclear Energy
4.8 Nuclear Fission and Fusion
Unit 5 (A2 2): Fields and their Applications –
5.1 Force Fields
5.2 Gravitational Fields
5.3 Electric Fields
5.4 Capacitors
5.5 Magnetic Fields
5.6 Deflection of Charged Particles in Electric and Magnetic Fields
5.7 Particle Accelerators
5.8 Fundamental Particles