This well-written text is for non-metallurgists and anyone seeking a quick refresher on an essential tool of modern metallurgy. The basic principles, construction, interpretation, and use of alloy phase diagrams are clearly described with ample illustrations for all important liquid and solid reactions. Gas-metal reactions, important in metals processing and in-service corrosion, also are discussed. Get the basics on how phase diagrams help predict and interpret the changes in the structure of alloys.
Contents Include: Introduction to Phase Diagrams / Solid Solutions and Phase Transformations / Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams / Isomorphous, Eutectic, Peritectic, and Monotectic Alloy Systems / Solid State Transformations / Intermediate Phases / Ternary Diagrams / Gas-Metal Systems / Phase Diagram Determination / Computer Simulation of Phase Diagrams / Phase Diagram Applications / Non-Equilibrium Reactions-Martensitic and Bainitic Structures, Precipitation Hardening / Appendices: Review of Metallic Structure and Fundamentals of Solidification