Bringing together the different aspects of pâte de verre for beginners and advanced glassmakers alike. Why the increasing interest in pâte de verre throughout the international glass art community? In this go-to resource, learn the reasons behind the current shift of perception regarding translucent versus opaque glass—and perhaps even see glass itself in a different way. Both Stewart and Ørvik are glass artists and educators, and their guidance here offers an unparalleled experience. For makers, detailed process instructions are included, plus unique glass color recipes for making your own glass palette to facilitate experimentation and reduce costs. A comprehensive history of the 5,000-year-old technique incorporates new authoritative research correcting previous perceptions of pâte de verre´s place in history. Illustrating the new shift in insights of what glass art is and what it can do, this book captures almost every aspect of pâte de verre. Bridging the span from traditional to contemporary practice, it shows the versatility of this “chameleon” material through interviews with and work by 23 contemporary glass artists. It opens up the field of glass, allowing us to understand, use, and then go beyond traditions and push the boundaries for glass sculpture.