Hit show "Paranormal State" chronicles the extraordinary life of Ryan Buell and the other members of the Paranormal Research Society (PRS) as they seek to find the truth behind terrifying real life mysteries, hauntings, and ghosts. Stone-cold investigators of the supernatural and seekers of the unknown, they have dedicated their lives to working beside countless amounts of families who seem to suffer from the effects of paranormal experiences. In this behind-the-scenes look, Ryan takes readers inside the cases from the show. Revealing new facts, and discussing never-before-seen cases, "Paranormal State" explores the intriguing mysteries surrounding each case and the difficult decisions faced by Ryan and PRS in the field, as well as their struggles with faith (their own and that of those they're helping). Readers and die-hard fans will finally get to see how Ryan and PRS have evolved, both from the beginning and through the advent of the show. Connecting the dots and finding out why these 'hauntings' may occur in the first place, Ryan and his team have saved families. "Paranormal State" is the official guide to their fascinating and frightening endeavours.