This is the second work-book of Panjabi Made Easy series. It will prove more effective if used in conjunction with Panjabi Made Easy Book 1. It is specially produced to develop early literacy skills. It will help learners to learn the shapes, sounds and order of the letters of the Panjabi alphabet. They will learn to recognise, read and write letters and simple two letter and three letter words. Reading and writing simple sentences containing two or three words have also been introduced. Various activities have been provided to make the learning fun and interesting. These activities include joining big letters with small letters and small letters with big letters, matching the sounds of letters with pictures, finding the odd one out, matching Panjabi letters with English letters with the same sound, arranging letters of the alphabet in order, joining dots and letters, reading words and drawing pictures, matching words with pictures, making words by joining letters from two separate lists, matching Panjabi words with their English equivalents, separating the words with the same beginning letter and finding the an odd word and circling round it. Brief instructions in both Panjani and English have been given on top of each page which explain what is required to be done for each exercise. Children learn more when they are having fun and I am sure they will enjoy using this Workbook. This book was reprinted in September 2012 and September 2022.