
Sometimes we kill the whale. Sometimes the whaling kills us.When Ishmael joins the crew of the Pequod he is told of the danger he faces, but he still longs for the adventure that whale-hunting brings. As the ship travels the globe looking for its prey, Ishmael realises that there is more to their mission than oil, blubber and riches. Captain Ahab is a man consumed by obsession, but will he ever find the elusive Moby Dick? This tale beautifully depicts the power and mystery of the magnificent whale, and the trials of those who seek to harm him. TreeTops Greatest Stories offers children some of the worlds best-loved tales in a collection of timeless classics. Top children's authors and talented illustrators work together to bring to life our literary heritage for a new generation, engaging and delighting children. The books are carefully levelled, making it easy to match every child to the right book. Each book contains inside cover notes to help children explore the content, supporting their reading development. Teaching notes on Oxford Owl offer cross-curricular links and activities to support guided reading, writing, speaking and listening.

Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Greatest Stories: Oxford Level 19: Moby Dick

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Paperback / softback by Geraldine McCaughrean , Herman Melville

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Sometimes we kill the whale. Sometimes the whaling kills us.When Ishmael joins the crew of the Pequod he is told... Read more

    Publisher: Oxford University Press
    Publication Date: 12/05/2016
    ISBN13: 9780198306177, 978-0198306177
    ISBN10: 0198306172

    Number of Pages: 112

    Children & Teen , Children's Non-Fiction


    Sometimes we kill the whale. Sometimes the whaling kills us.When Ishmael joins the crew of the Pequod he is told of the danger he faces, but he still longs for the adventure that whale-hunting brings. As the ship travels the globe looking for its prey, Ishmael realises that there is more to their mission than oil, blubber and riches. Captain Ahab is a man consumed by obsession, but will he ever find the elusive Moby Dick? This tale beautifully depicts the power and mystery of the magnificent whale, and the trials of those who seek to harm him. TreeTops Greatest Stories offers children some of the worlds best-loved tales in a collection of timeless classics. Top children's authors and talented illustrators work together to bring to life our literary heritage for a new generation, engaging and delighting children. The books are carefully levelled, making it easy to match every child to the right book. Each book contains inside cover notes to help children explore the content, supporting their reading development. Teaching notes on Oxford Owl offer cross-curricular links and activities to support guided reading, writing, speaking and listening.

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