Other Carnivals is published to coincide with Full Circle's FlipSide festivalof Brazilian and UK Literature, Music and Art at Snape in October 2013. Translated and edited by Ángel Gurría-Quintana this new collection of short stories by some of Brazil's finest authors features work by Milton Hatoum, Bernardo Carvalho, Tatiana Salem Levy, Cristovão Tezza, Andrea del Fuego, Beatriz Bracher, Marcelino Freire, João Anzanello Carrascoza, Ferréz, André Sant'Anna, Adriana Lisboa and Reinaldo Moraes.
The twelve stories offer snapshots of Brazilian life, past and present, in all its teeming and vibrant complexity. With contributions by writers from all corners of the country, and ranging from well-established veterans to emerging literary stars, Other Carnivals: New Writing from Brazil is a heady mix of the comic, the tragic, the beautiful, the ugly and the surreal. Subverting the clichés about Brazil even as it finds kernels of truth within them, this is a book that will thrill readers already acquainted with the country's literature, and will make converts of those approaching it for the first time. Other Carnivals is proof, as if any were required, that one of Brazil's greatest natural resources is its wealth of talented storytellers.