Organizational Behavior, Theory, and Design, Third Edition was written to provide health services administration students, managers, and other professionals with an in-depth analysis of the theories and concepts of organizational behavior and organization theory while embracing the uniqueness and complexity of the healthcare industry. Using an applied focus, this book provides a clear and concise overview of the essential topics in organizational behavior and organization theory from the healthcare manager’s perspective. The Third Edition offers: - New case studies throughout underscore key theories and concepts and illustrate practical application in the current health delivery environment - In-depth discussion of the industry’s redesign of health services offers a major focus on patient safety and quality, centeredness, and consumerism. - Current examples reflect changes in the environment due to health reform initiatives. - Diversity, health disparities, and cultural competencies are addressed in health care - Timely new material on change management provides new insight for future healthcare managers. - Each new print copy includes Navigate 2 eBook Access enabling users to read their digital textbook online or offline, on computers, tablets, and mobile devices.