Not Lives is an all-new, ongoing manga series that thrusts the readers into the middle of a virtual reality game. From author and artist Wataru Karasuma, Not Lives is about a gaming genius who suddenly finds himself struggling to survive in a deadly game - as a girl! Not Lives will appeal to fans of No Game, No Life, Sword Art Online, and other similar tales that focus on being transported inside a gaming world. Not Lives goes one step further than typical stories in this genre, however, as this story combines virtual reality with a genderbender spin. Each volume of Not Lives contains beautifully-detailed artwork and colour inserts. High school student Mikami has always been an eccentric oddball who doesn't quite fit in. Little do his classmates know, Mikami moonlights as a game designer extraordinaire. His mission is simple: create the ultimate romance game! Sounds easy, right? When Mikami decides to play a mysterious game that he comes across, things take a turn for the bizarre as he suddenly is thrust into a survival game and transformed into a beautiful girl! Inside the game, if Mikami loses, it's not only his female avatar that's on the line, but his very own life!