Guaranteed Top Scores on Your Police Exam!
If you are planning to join the hundreds of thousands of applicants who take the police officer exam each year, you need a high score. In this updated and revised edition of his #1 police exam book, Norman Hall guarantees that you''ll score 80% to 100% on the exam--or your money back!
With Norman Hall''s Police Exam Preparation Book, 2nd Edition, you''ll have everything you need to ace the test, including answer keys and self-scoring tables, pointers on avoiding common trouble spots, tips for meeting the physical requirements, the most up-to-date test-taking strategies, 7 practice tests, and 3 full-length police officer exams.
Still worried that you might miss a vital test question? Relax! Norman Hall''s Police Exam Preparation Book, 2nd Edition, includes new test questions and sketch art, and gives you complete coverage of ALL test subject areas, including basic math; directional orientation; g