Discover "Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind" (human-initiated, conscious, and voluntary alien contact), hybrid relationships, near mid-air collisions with alien ships, and more, from heartfelt eyewitness accounts in New Jersey! Read 26 contemporary, never-before-published, full-length stories and sagas of UFO experiences in the Garden State with ties to others around our planet. This collection is jammed with mind-expanding tales, including a young woman’s relationship with an alien hybrid, an occurrence with a heart-shaped unidentified vehicle in the fog, and a romantic proposal from a part-human visitor! Share a young man’s surprise when an ultrasound treatment reveals a "foreign implant," and see the computer images of the object. Delight with two friends as their meditative practices "call" alien craft to visit them on five separate occasions! Journey with a man who follows a glowing ball off Interstate I-95 into a cornfield, and then boards a craft bound for his original home planet! New Jersey is the place to be if you have an interest in UFOs!