For over 100 years, the animal books and stories of beloved children’s author Thornton W. Burgess have delighted millions of children and their parents; more than of half his seventy books remain in print today. However, there was much more to Burgess, the man, than just a writer of children’s books: he was a dedicated naturalist who was honored by prestigious scientific institutions for his advocacy of wildlife and conservation practices that resonate today. His books, syndicated columns, and radio programs both entertained and educated children, introducing them to wildlife habitat, species extinction, and roadside litter. Some books became the basis of Fables of the Green Forest, an internationally popular children’s 1970s television cartoon. Nature’s Ambassador explores Burgess’s life and legacy, from his Cape Cod childhood to the present. With engaging text and historical pictures, this new biography will be a valuable addition to collections of historians, environmentalists, educators, librarians, and parents.