The town of Boston lies alongside the peaceful River Witham and has the appearance of a tranquil place where nothing much has ever happened. This first impression is misleading. In terms of murder and mayhem, Boston has tales to rival anywhere else in Lincolnshire. And what of the numerous little villages that cluster around the town? As Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote, ‘there is more evil in the country than you ever find in the towns’. Stabbings, shootings, poisonings, stranglings and suicides have all made it into the pages of the area’s history. Young and old, husbands and wives, parents and children, and even complete strangers fell victim to murderous attacks. The motives for such atrocious crimes ranged from overwhelming jealousy and blinding rage to calculated greed and petty disputes.These fourteen tales of true murder from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, compiled by renowned local author Douglas Wynn, will fascinate anyone wanting to know more about Boston’s dark history.