Founder of a global etiquette school and star of her own Netflix series Sara Jane Ho teaches readers how to thrive socially in a variety of situations, in person and online.
Etiquette, Sara Jane says, is the glue that holds society together. Humans are social creatures, after all—we need connection to survive. But with global cultures in flux and the post-pandemic digital age, shadow epidemics of anxiety and loneliness are on the rise. Plus, the old rules of “decorum” don’t match the times.
Amidst all this withdrawal and change, social growth can feel out of reach. How do we leave the comfort of our homes, step away from our screens, and interact face to face? How do we create genuine bonds with people we’ve just met, and how do we maintain those ties throughout our lives? Even the most resilient social butterflies among us face sticky situations—from accidentally-sent invites to unruly work and family encounters—an