Cultural Diversity as a Strategic Advantage
This insightful and practical work should be required reading formanagers, physicians, nurses, allied health caregivers, and supportstaff, in order to overcome barriers to communication and change indealing with an increasingly complex patient and employee base. Ihighly Andorse this excellent book written by these outstandingauthors.
--Donald R. Oxley, vice president and executive director, KaiserPermanente
As reflected in new cultural competency requirements for healthcare organizations, sensitivity to and understanding of culturaldiversity have become mandatory for health care professionals.However, most health care professionals have little or no trainingon how to deal with the challenges of cultural diversity. WithManaging Diversity in Health Care, you'll learn effectivestrategies fundamental to creating a culturally diverse health careorganization.
This essential handbook provides you with the necessary knowledgeand tools to become more responsive to culturally diverse patientand staff populations. The authors show how to build diverse teams,deal with the thorny issues of prejudice and bias, and communicateeffectively within a diverse health care setting.