Breeds are fascinating entities. They depend on individual breeders for their continuing existence. Although breeders may come and go, each of them is important and has the potential to make positive contributions to the breed.
Multiple factors can guarantee breeders long-term successful management. These include biological aspects, consistent market demand, and the important and sometimes politically charged role of breed associations as the main advocates for breeds today.
Strategies for success have been detailed in the first and second editions of Managing Breeds for a Secure Future. The third edition explores this further, providing more strategies that can assure long-term survival for breeds of livestock, poultry, and dogs.
Managing Breeds for a Secure Future Third Edition is re-organized to flow better, and has additional chapters on specific protocols for maintaining breeds. It also delves more deeply into rescuing rare populations, through both theory and practice. Updates to the new edition include: biological issues, population analysis, pedigree-based analyses, managing a genetic defect, and specific rescue principles and practices.