
Mafu the humpback whale travels through the turquoise seas of the South Pacific alone in search of other whales. But as he cannot sing, they cannot hear him, and as they cannot hear him, they cannot find him. The other sea creatures tease Mafu, and he is embarrassed and lonely, until one day when he meets Papahi, a lost butterfly swept away from her island home in a storm. This unlikely pair soon become fast friends as they share their stories and search for Papahi’s home, where Mafu finds that he can sing—he only needed the courage to try. This gentle, beautifully illustrated story about friendship, courage, and self-confidence will delight readers encourage them to believe in themselves.

Mafu the Whale

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Hardback by Joanna Horsley

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Short Description:

Mafu the humpback whale travels through the turquoise seas of the South Pacific alone in search of other whales. But... Read more

    Publisher: Starfish Bay Children's Books
    Publication Date: 05/10/2023
    ISBN13: 9781760361884, 978-1760361884
    ISBN10: 1760361887

    Number of Pages: 40

    Children & Teen , Baby, Toddler & Pre-School


    Mafu the humpback whale travels through the turquoise seas of the South Pacific alone in search of other whales. But as he cannot sing, they cannot hear him, and as they cannot hear him, they cannot find him. The other sea creatures tease Mafu, and he is embarrassed and lonely, until one day when he meets Papahi, a lost butterfly swept away from her island home in a storm. This unlikely pair soon become fast friends as they share their stories and search for Papahi’s home, where Mafu finds that he can sing—he only needed the courage to try. This gentle, beautifully illustrated story about friendship, courage, and self-confidence will delight readers encourage them to believe in themselves.

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