The macroeconomics of imperfect competition is a field which has witnessed an almost exponential growth in the last twenty years. The reason for this success is simple as this field combines two important, and hitherto incompatible, features: On one hand, like Walrasian or new classical macroeconomics it has fully rigorous microeconomic foundations. On the other hand, like Keynesian macroeconomics (which itself lacked such foundations) it can produce underemployment of resources and macroeconomic coordination failures. This successful blend of the General Equilibrium, Keynesian and Imperfect Competition traditions has become a most influential paradigm in macroeconomics.
Jean-Pascal Benassy, himself the author of several pioneering contributions, has assembled leading articles in the field and written an extensive introduction putting them and other contributions in the area into perspective. This volume will be a basic reference source for professors, students and researchers in this important and rapidly expanding field.