A Story about Caring for Others In the second installment of her children's book series, author Kat Kronenberg brings back the protagonist of the Baboon, the grumpy but wise hero. The once lush and thriving savannah of East Africa has turned dry and desolate because the animals who inhabit it have forgotten the message from the first book and become selfish, unkind, hungry, and miserable as a result. Kronenberg introduces new main characters--a rhino, a hare, a lion, and a dung beetle--who each have a problem that the Baboon can help solve. Once again, Kronenberg presents a cast of lively characters to engage her young readers and teach them important life skills, in this case, telling them what it looks like to love big. Through dialogue and beautiful illustration, she helps readers learn about kindness, sharing, listening well, and genuine care. As with the first book in the series, readers will enjoy the hands-on activities that the author offers after the story. Building on the magic of the stardust that Kronenberg says surrounds people, she uses her character, "Catch M," to remind readers about the importance of a smile. In so doing, she shows that even the smallest of readers can make a difference.