"This book is vital to those with fibromyalgia their families, friends and employers." - Pam Stewart MBE, Fibromyalgia Association UK chair
A difficult condition to diagnose, fibromyalgia is characterised by pain in the muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves. It has a plethora of symptoms including fatigue, anxiety, depression, digestive and bowel problems and headaches, among many others.
The good news is that your condition can improve, and this book is designed to help. Based on Christine Craggs Hinton's own experience of managing the disease, it uses effective strategies to reduce pain, boost energy levels and improve sleep. It explains the link between fibromyalgia, diet and the digestive system, and gives clear and manageable guidance on the benefit of low-impact aerobic exercise, as well as illustrated advice on maintaining good posture in daily activities. There is discussion of the latest research, including the possibility of genetic causes of fibromyalgia, and a clear explanation of the difference between fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.
If you arm yourself with knowledge - and with the impetus and encouragement that brings - your condition will, in all probability, improve steadily and you will find that life once more becomes rewarding and enjoyable.