Everything You Need to Know in Life, You Can Learn Here!
When we were in kindergarten, half the fun of living was breaking the rules without getting caught. In real adult life, however, there is nothing fun about broken promises, relationships, or hearts. In this DVD and study guide from North Point Resources, Andy Stanley explains God’s set of life rules that can improve current relationships and mend broken ones. Every game requires parameters, and in this lifelong journey toward heaven, it’s never too late to learn, relearn, and follow the rules God clearly outlines for His people…because they set you on the course for success!
Winners Play by the Rules
In kindergarten, ignoring the rules was a blast—especially if you could get away with it. But as adults, we understand that rules are for our protection, and that when we break God’s rules we cause heartaches and broken relationships.
In this six-part DVD, Andy Stanle