This collection is a tribute to a most faithful, true Keynesian, who read, thought, dreamt and promoted Keynes: Lorie Tarshis (1911-1993). This volume is focused on the important role of Lorie Tarshis's brand of Keynesianism on the effect of the Keynesian revolution on economic thought in America.
Tarshis was among the first to form part of Keynes's select 'circus', not only witnessing, but actually participating in the making of The General Theory. This memorial includes new reflections on the impact of Keynesianism in the making by many of the eminent early generations of American post-war economists, Galbraith, Goodwin, Kindleberger, Samuelson, Salant, Tobin and Perlman. While their contributions shed more light on how the participants in the process, Tarshis included, effected early Keynesianism, the volume also contains contributions by those such as Moggridge and McQueen who reflect on aspects of the process from greater distance. Holzman and Reder recount Lorie Tarshis's subtle contribution and its direct impact and reverberations are reflected upon in the balance of the chapters by Colander, Dimand, Dow, Grimard, McCann and Perlman, and Parker.
This book will be of great interest to scholars interested in the history of economic thought and Keynesian economics.