As a man ages, a slow decline takes root that, day to day, is imperceptible. Sometime around age 30, levels of the male hormone testosterone begin to drop each year. One morning he looks in the mirror and sees someone who he doesn't recognize. He's tired-looking, lacks motivation, his belly is sagging over his belt, his mind is foggy and maybe even his sex drive has evaporated. What happened? "Oh, you're just getting older," people tell him - even his doctor!
Endocrinologist Florence Comite, MD, doesn't believe we should accept aging as is. She believes any man can restore his body, mind, and energy; prevent disease; and feel strong, confident, and in control once again.
Keep It Up will show you how to quantify your own health and then make key changes that will reduce your belly fat and risk of diabetes, revitalize your sex drive and strengthen your erections, and give you more muscle and greater mental agility. Because testosterone affects all of the above aspects of a man's vitality, Dr. Comite shows readers how the cutting edge science of hormone optimization is an effective way to prevent the disorders of aging.
"Testosterone optimization can absolutely change a man's life," Dr. Comite says. It can reduce fat, build lean muscle and reverse disease but the most important benefit, she says, "is the feeling of being 'recharged'-feeling more focused, more vigorous, more masculine, more alive."
Key chapters in Keep It Up include:
- The Metabolic Tests
- The Hormone Tests
- The Sleep and Stress Connection
- Great Sex, Your Second Act
- Building a High-Performance Body
- The Truth about Hormone Therapies
- Advanced Diagnostics
- The Future of Medicine, Today