PART ONE GENERAL INFORMATION 1Chapter 1 Background Information 3Geography 3, Climate 4, Natural history and conservation4, History 9, Government and politics 16, Economy 17,People 17, Language 19, Religion 19, Education 22,Culture 22, Sport 25Chapter 2 Practical Information 26When to visit 26, Highlights 26, Suggested itineraries 28,Tour operators 30, Red tape 31, Embassies 32, Gettingthere and away 36, Health 41, Safety 49, Women travellers50, Gay travellers 50, Travellers with disabilities 51,Travelling with children 51, What to take 52, Money 53,Budgeting 55, Getting around 55, Accommodation 60,Eating and drinking 62, Public holidays and festivals64, Photography 65, Media and communications 69,Business 70, Buying property 71, Shopping 72, Artsand entertainment 72, Cultural etiquette 73, Travellingpositively 73PART TWO THE GUIDE 77Chapter 3 Leh 79History 79, Getting there and away 80, Getting around 82,Tourist information 84, Local tour operators 85, Whereto stay 87, Where to eat and