Using the fun, singsong rhythms of meter and rhyme, Jump Ship Jonah retells the biblical account of this colorful character and his struggle with obedience. From ship to whale to Ninevah, the story is accompanied with beautiful yet childlike paintings in vibrant watercolor to help bring the story alive in the imaginations of children. The illustrations in Jump Ship Jonah were created to help children identify with Jonah on his exciting adventure. His youthful features, a whimsical whale, and lively landscapes combine to make a fun setting for the story. There are lessons to be learned from Jump Ship Jonah about attitudes of selfishness and obedience. The book is designed to be read to a child, with an adult adding lighthearted commentary as desired. Jump Ship Jonah is the first in a series of Bible-based “rhyme time” picture books developed to whet the appetities of children ages 3-7 to read the biblical accounts for themselves when they reach the appropriate level. The witty story telling of this timeless tale will surely be revisited multiple times by young and old alike.