The business run by the Teller family produces bridges and other small parts for stringed instruments. Juergen Teller has taken photographs of company employees, his uncle and his uncle's collection of hunting trophies. He has shot pictures in dripstone caves, of Kate Moss during her pregnancy, of himself. How does all of this fit together? His newest book provides extensive treatment of the terms "studio" or "workshop" as a place of creation and development. Juergen Teller collects people and places - scenes from his origins and the world of beautiful images - that have made him what he is today. In Zwei Schauferle mit Kloss und eine Kinderportion mit Pommes Frites, the fashion photographer shares his private reflections on his roots and his profession. Candid, subjective and completely without superficial effects, Mr. Teller gives us a peek into his world. How that all fits together is left up to the viewer of his photos.