This book tells a heartwarming and compelling story of Bob and Jeanette Crick's relationship and their journey together through Jeanette's battle with Alzheimer's.
You're about to learn a new language It's a language you already know, but one that you will come to know so much better. It's the language of love. When you take a journey with someone, especially someone close to you, you learn a lot—about them and about yourself as well. This book is about a journey, perhaps a path you are walking as well. The goal of this book is not just to tell a story but rather to give you help, encouragement, insight, and support in your own journey. You will need this.
Jeanette and Bob were partners in life for 66 years. The latter years, though filled with challenge and pain, were also some of the most enriching and rewarding one could ever imagine. Journeying With Jeanette will help you embrace:
• The power of sacramental cleansing
• New depths of forgiveness—of yourself and others
• Embracing, even celebrating, imperfection
• When your heart is right, there truly is joy in the journey