For whatever reason, there appears to be a far greater acceptance and understanding of our spiritual nature through guidance and asking for help and a belief in the wonder of prayer. Have you ever thought seriously about the things we all face in life and how they affect the decisions we make (another worry averted)? A quick, off the cuff decision can often lead to a change of scene and a pathway we have never before even imagined... What is your story and how were you helped or guided through what could have been a disastrous situation, that finally turned into one of the best? Many more of us are starting to realise the truth in the words 'say a little prayer' 'ask and you shall receive', and so it has been since 'the beginning' as we read in the Bible. History, as this book shows, is evidence of that. More and more people are willing and ready to talk about their experiences with others new to the creed, leading to a greater understanding and belief in the Spirit World. Could all this be helped by the amazing blossoming of the internet? Modern technology, with anything and everything seemingly possible...