A leading travel writer guides readers on a sumptuous journey through time and flavor to understand how and why wine transformed Italy . . .
“It’s not often that a wine writer can engross and enthrall you with the history of a culture where wine merely plays its part along with many other players. Marc Millon does this absorbingly and impressively, telling the intriguing, exasperating, but ultimately optimistic story of Italy and its wines.” —OZ CLARKE, author of The History of Wine in 100 Bottles
The world is enamored with Italy: its culture, art, food, and fashion, its beautiful landscapes, and famous cities—and, of course, its wine.
From the ancient Greeks to the Medici, and from fascism to feminism, Italy has always been entwined with wine. Through the millennia, it has been a celebratory libation at great events, given solace in times of despair, and fortified warriors before battle. Whether Possessioni Rosso,