The knowledge economy is a notion that has been used, since the end of the last decade, to describe a new economic order perceived by scholars and practitioners. The authors argue that this order, triggered by new information and communication technologies, has resulted in a different set of challenges for effective management of the contemporary firm. Knowledge will play an important role in managing these challenges, with the onus being on new hardware and software as much as how businesses can be organised with regard to relationships with customers and suppliers.
This book shows how 'intelligent management will be key to how internal operations can be organised in order to take advantage of opportunities brought about by new technologies. This change in management is discussed throughout the book from a wide array of perspectives ranging from contextual and philosophical aspects, through tools and methods to case studies concerning the organization of business, its management and application in the knowledge economy.
Intelligent Management in the Knowledge Economy will be of great interest to academics and researchers of management - knowledge management in particular - ICT and organisational studies. Business practitioners will also find much to engage them within this book.