Integrated Brand Promotion Management: Text, Cases, and Exercises provides the foundation for university-level courses that help students explore and understand the range of options available to brand decision-makers.
Integrated Brand Promotion Management covers a wide range of decision-making areas in 17 chapters.
Traditional areas included are:
- establishing objectives
- budgeting
- creative strategy
- direct marketing
- public relations
- client/agency relations
- ethical considerations
These areas are supplemented with a chapter discussing event sponsorship, product placements, and branded entertainment. Internet marketing, web sites, viral and social networking, as well as, experiential and guerrilla marketing are examined in an additional chapter.
Using the case method of learning, students are challenged to analyze a mix of actual situations selected by their professor. Professors may select from 52 cases that include a wide range of contemporary brand marketers, such as Home Depot, the non-profit Wildflower Center, Whole Foods Market, The Wall Street Journal, CW’s “Gossip Girl,” Bethany College, Shiner Beer, and Costa del Mar sunglasses.
Exercises providing the basis for guiding student thinking and generating classroom discussion are incorporated throughout Integrated Brand Promotion Management.