This thirty-first annual volume of the Index was produced with the cooperation of 264 participating periodicals from Canada, the United States, and the Caribbean. Nearly 7,000 entries (6,842) for individual poets and translators are included, with nearly 21,000 entries (20,840) for individual poems. A separate index provides access by title or first line. The importance of the Index grows as its necessity becomes more apparent in circles of contemporary poetry research. The increasing demand for inclusion corroborates this fact. The Index constitutes an objective measure of poetry in North America, recording not only the publication of our own poets in Canada, the United States, and the Caribbean, but also those from other lands and cultures and from other times. Of course, its primary purpose is to show what poems have been published by particular poets, what poems have been translated by particular translators, and who wrote poems with particular titles or first lines. But taken together, the Index reveals trends and influences: the ebb and flow of particular poets, as well as the influence of cultures of other lands and times as represented by their poets published in North American journals. The Index of American Periodical Verse provides access to poems from a broad cross section of poetry, literary, scholarly, popular, general, and "little" magazines, journals, and reviews published in the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean. These periodicals are listed in the "Periodicals Indexed" section, together with names of editors, addresses, issues indexed in this volume, and subscription information. Selection of periodicals to index is the responsibility of the editors, based on recommendations of poets, librarians, literary scholars, and publishers. Publishers participate by supplying copies of all issues to the editors. Criteria for inclusion include the quality of poems, their presentation, and the status or reputation of poets. Within these very broad and subjective