"Whichever way I take I meet myself returning." A poetic journey from the mills and moors of the industrial north to the meals and mosques of the Byzantine middle-east and back again. I Meet Myself Returning is about finding your feet in our convoluted world and letting them take you to a place to call your own. And occasionally stopping off for a pint. "John Darwin's poems are when one pint with an old friend turns into six. When you spend five minutes walking around a city that you've never visited before, but somehow feel at home. His words are visceral, delicate, vulnerable and utterly engrossing." - Matt Abbott, poet, educator & activist "For those of us who struggle with the concept of permanence, who gulp when we're asked where we're from and shiver when we're asked who we are, this is a collection that is sorely needed. It's the antidote to the straight-edge, consumer-driven Grand Designs poison of 21st Century life and it should be prescribed to everybody." - Geneviève L. Walsh, spoken word artist