As a mine-owning family, the Howells are used to the trials and tribulations that the business can bring. But after a knife-wielding miner breaks in and accuses one of the family members of murder, they realise that their safety could be at risk... George and Elizabeth, and their children, Charlie, Francis, Charlotte, Anne and Alice are settled in their Northumbrian home, or so they thought... Told in five parts through the years 1844-1866, these chronicles visit the family at historical intervals, choosing momentous days to reflect the point reached in the family's rich history. We follow Charlie through his battles in the Crimean War; Francis, through his fights to make the mines safer, Charlotte, through her marriage to a substantial local landowner, Alice, through her involvement with a major mining disaster and Anne, through her marriage to a local firm clerk. Howell Grange is a northern history.